Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective innovate a new solution, and the case of Utkarsh Tandon is no exception. Utkarsh Tandon, a high school sophomore from Cupertino, California, has chosen to innovate a 3D printed, wearable device that will improve the life of Parkinson’s patients all over the world.


The project, called OneRing, was developed by Tandon after he spent a summer volunteering in a local Parkinson’s institute over his break.  At the age of 15, Tandon made it his mission to find a solution to the ever growing problem of monitoring the progression of Parkinson’s patients. Using 3D printing and micro-chip technology, he was able to create working prototypes of his concept at a nominal cost.

Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder that diminishes the central nervous system, which mainly affects the motor system. The disease affects over 53 million people globally, and typically presents itself in older people, with most cases occurring after the age of 50. Symptoms are typically movement related and include shakiness, rigidity and slowness of movement.

How does the ring work? Since the main symptom of Parkinson’s is its effect on movement and motor function, Tandon realized that he could innovate a product that begins to understand and analyze the progression of Parkinson’s based on movement.


The device he created is a wearable, 3D printed ring that connects to an iOS application. The ring collects data from a patient based on their movement, which is then algorithmically analyzed to identify movement patterns. Collectively, this data helps to classify the severity of the patient, sending updated reports to a physician. Ultimately this visibility of the collected data allows physicians to make more informed decisions when prescribing medications.

Tandon recently completed his a Kickstarter campaign, which exceeded its goals. His next steps are to send various ring sizes of the device, as well as iPods with the app, to Parkinson’s clinics around the US. Tandon will continue to develop the product, working on the technological aspects as well as the hardware design.

If you’re interested in contributing to this meaningful campaign, you can check it out here.