The most empowering aspect of Shapeways for designers is being able to sell your 3D printed products in your Shapeways shop and receive a passive income.  Once you have your Shapeways shop and product pages properly set up, you do not need to do anything else except promote your products and Shapeways does the rest.

We do try and help promote products on our blog, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets as well as on our newsletters, product features and the Shapeways home page. 

For us to help you promote your products we need you to prepare your Shapeways shop and product pages with clear photographs, descriptions and ensure you let us know about them in Feature This or It Arrived.

When we do feature products on the Shapeways home page the products typically see a spike in traffic with a relative sales increase so it is well worth ensuring your products are properly documented. Above you can see an example of a product page typical traffic with a spike once featured.

Above we see what typically happens when a product is featured in a Shapeways Newsletter (you are subscribed aren’t you) or promotional mail out such as the recent Valentine’s Day email. Again you see a spike of interest that increases your chances of selling more of your designs.

Take a look at your Shapeways Shop, are the photographs clear, well lit and replace the default renders, have you described and tagged the item properly so that we and others can find them amongst the thousands of products in the Shapeways galleries. Make sure you let everyone know about your designs in the Feature This or It Arrived forums, tweet about them, post them in Facebook and you have a better chance of us picking up your designs and promoting them for you.  

We just need a little help from you.