The Shapeways 3D parts Database is a resource where you can download files from. The files are free under a Creative Commons license and you can use them to work quicker and build even more exciting models. We currently have compression springs, gears, gearboxes, coil springs and leaf springs for you to download. All the models in the 3D parts database have been tested by us and printed out to make sure that they work. 
Anyone who is logged in to Shapeways can use the database. In the future we want to extend the database’s functionality so that you can use it to share your work by adding to the database.

We hope that this allows more people to get into designing for 3D printing and that we will see a lot of exciting work in the months to come based on these models and the models that we will add in the future. This is a small step towards making Creative Commons work for things. Enjoy!

You can visit the 3D parts database here.