Many people want to 3D Print their ideas with Shapeways but do not (yet) know how to 3D model their designs. Luckily, at the same time there are thousands of incredibly talented 3D modelers in the Shapeways community, some of whom are offering their 3D modeling services for hire to help those people make their ideas for real with 3D Printing.

We have seen some AMAZING products come to life thanks to these connections made on Shapeways from Siri to shoes (many shoes), trophies for bad sportsmanship, skateboarding elephants, Bronies and Hybride sculptures, whether starting from sketch, fixing an existing model or creative collaboration it is a great way for modelers to stretch their skills and help others 3D print ideas.

If you, as a 3D modeler want to offer your 3D modeling services on the forum post the following details in the forum:  

About me:

Pay Rate:

Note: Please use your own discretion when
entering into agreements with other users. Shapeways is not liable for
any transactions that take place between users in the forum, we just want to make it easier for you to find each other.

If you have an idea for something you want to 3D Print but do not know how to 3D model, or if you have a 3D model that needs some love to make it 3D printable, you can either post your project in the 3D modeler needed forum or take a look at designers offering 3D modeling services to find the right person to help you out.

Again, Shapeways is not liable for any transactions that take place between users in the forum, we just want to help you get started 3D Printing.

If you want to learn to design for 3D Printing, take a look at our tutorials page, play with one of the easy creators developed by Shapeways and our friends or take a class in the Shapeways Skillshare School….  

Following are just a few items 3D Printed thanks to the Shapeways connection.

Shapeways 3D Printing Brony