Francesco Perrone



fpa76 commented on Nucleus D20 XL by fpa76
October 20, 2019
Nucleus D20 XL
fpa76 @LucioPatrocinio Absolutely not, the structure is solid, light but strong.
fpa76 @felixisdanger It's not an ink, it's the model itself (the surface of the numbers is smooth, while the background is rough, so they make contrast), the lights when I took the picture and a little bit of photoshop. This said, nothing prohibits to use ink to make the contrast even stronger.
fpa76 @felixisdanger It is not oxidized or inked.
fpa76 commented on Nucleus D20 by fpa76
December 18, 2018
Nucleus D20
fpa76 @tylerjamesmoore96 Thanks to you! I usually use a small needle too, never tried other.
fpa76 @bhmperformance Just received your order, thanks!
fpa76 @bhmperformance Well said, I bet you'll be satisfied!
fpa76 @zmail137 Hi Mike, thanks for your appreciation. You can find the bigger version here:
fpa76 @toby_kintay No problem at all, actually you helped me making a better product!
fpa76 I updated the model, now the numbers are bigger and more readable.
fpa76 @toby_kintay Hi Toby, thanks for your comment. The dimension of the die is the standard for a D20, and I wouldn't like to change it. I could increase the dimension of the single numbers instead. I'll try it when I have a free moment.
fpa76 commented on Bullseye D6 by fpa76
October 6, 2018
Bullseye D6
fpa76 @jeweledsnail I'm happy you like them. If I may give you an advice is to not polish the horizontal lines on the backgruond of the numbers, so when you'll polish the numbers they'll make a stronger contrast with the background and they'll be even more readable.
fpa76 commented on Nucleii Dice Set by fpa76
September 8, 2018
Nucleii Dice Set
fpa76 @boenschisaac Thanks to you, I'm happy you like them! I see in the picture there's still some dirt between the little rods, you can clean it with a pin.
fpa76 @boenschisaac Hi, about your first question I've never printed them in plastic, but I really think they are strong enough to be used without any problem. About the numbers they are well readable as they are, but obviously if you ink them they'll be even more. If you read the other comments down here you'll find someone that aleady explained how to ink them.
fpa76 @Scooty I'm sorry, I don't have this photo. I personally never printed the set in plastic frosted and high detail.
fpa76 @felixisdanger I'm happy you like them! For the d4 there's another way to read it, if you prefer: you can see wich one of the numbers stands upright, like number 4 in the picture, while all the others will be leaning on a side.
fpa76 @hans_goober Hi Hans, thanks for your appreciation. For the first question: absolutely yes, they are strong enough to be used without any problem. For the second question: things are more complex than it may seems (above all, for me, to explain it in english!). Every die of the set is composed by the intersection of a certain number of little spheres (the nodules) with a bigger one (the surface where the numbers go). All the spheres of a single die (the little ones and the bigger) are precisely proportionate with each other to be tangent and inscribed in the same solid (a tetrahedron for the D4, a cube for the D6 and so on). If you change this proportion you'll obtain a non functional die (not well inscribed in his solid, that means unable to lay stable on a plane surface when rolling ends), or, in alternative, you should change the surface where the numbers go in something different from a sphere. Both alternatives are not good, in my opinion, and I wouldn't like to change the D4 design. That said, the correct way to read it is to look wich one of the numbers stands upright when rolling ends (like number 4 in the first pic), while all the others will be leaning on a side.
fpa76 @toupoutou888 Hi toupoutou888, just done! You can find it here:
fpa76 commented on Gears Delirium - D20 by fpa76
March 20, 2018
Gears Delirium - D20
fpa76 Hi @dixie0215, thanks for your appreciation! I'm not planning to do it at the moment, but in the the future maybe.
fpa76 commented on Daedalus Dice set by fpa76
March 13, 2018
Daedalus Dice set
fpa76 @vini_rockaut It's not me, It's Shapeways that 3dprints and sends all the objects on this site. I think they send all over the world.
fpa76 @marbles1211 Absolutely yes.
fpa76 @dereksena It was a geometric and aesthetic reason. In D12 there wasn't enough space to use the same 1 of D4 for numbers 10 and 12, so I had to choose a different font. I used the same for number 11.
Check out this cool product! - Gears Delirium D20
Check out this cool product! - Pulsar D6
fpa76 commented on Gears Delirium I - D6 by fpa76
November 27, 2017
Gears Delirium I - D6
fpa76 Hi @gdalya, It doesn't, in fact. This was necessary for having a balanced die with this particular design.
fpa76 Hi @ifreedman, thanks for your appreciation. I always draw curved corners d6s cause I like the way they roll. About the balance I assure you the die is well balanced: the distance between its center of mass and geometric center is irrilevant, very very small.
fpa76 @Merivo I'm happy you like them! ;)
fpa76 @Merivo Hi Merivo, I've done it. Now the center of mass is something like 0,1136 mm distant from the geometric center of the die, I think it can go! Before the distance was 5,2310 mm. I also changed the decoration of the outer round surface, this one makes the die look still more tech than before.
fpa76 @Merivo Good suggestions, you convinced me! I'll try to make it more balanced, but I can't promise you to do it tomorrow. Maybe nex week or next month, I don't know, unfortunately I'm really busy in this period.
fpa76 @Merivo Hi Merivo, thanks for your appreciation. Actually cogs and rods are all the same, and I fear that changing it would make the object look worse. More heavy, less slender, in a word: uglier! Anyway, maybe a day or another I'll try to change it and see what happens; in that case I'll let you know.
fpa76 commented on Testudo D6 by fpa76
November 19, 2017
Testudo D6
fpa76 @maxmagana Hi Max, thanks for your appreciation. I used a professional 3D Cad Software.
Check out this cool product! - Imperium
fpa76 commented on Tick Tock D6 by fpa76
January 15, 2017
Tick Tock D6
fpa76 @aesp51 Hi Abraham, it's done. I updated the model, now the die is balanced.
fpa76 @aesp51 Don't buy it just now, maybe in the next days I'll try to upload a new, more balanced, version of it. I'll let you know.
fpa76 @aesp51 I've just verified it, the center of mass is 0,46 mm away from the geometric center of the die.
Check out this cool product! - Steampunk Double - D6 gaming dice
Check out this cool product! - Gears Delirium II
Check out this cool product! - Space Strongbox D6
fpa76 commented on Daedalus D6 by fpa76
May 22, 2016
Daedalus D6
fpa76 @dereksena Hi Derek and Sena, finally I've done it! You can find the complete "Daedalus Dice Set" here:
fpa76 @dereksena Hi Derek and Sena, you had a good idea, I may try it! Unfortunately in this period I'm really busy with my work, so I haven't a lot of time for drawing dice. Anyway, a day or another in the next months I'll try it; if I succeed I'll let you know. Thanks a lot for your suggestion for now.
fpa76 favorited Furniture Dice D6 by Fairesure
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