Studio Guidonia

(Formerly Sabine Speed and Specialty)

I'm an industrial designer located in Texas.  I have a special fascination with mechanical things, from vintage aircraft to automobiles.  I consider myself to be following in the footsteps of the Italian carrozzerie like Bertone and Scaglietti and American stylists like Richard Teague, Dutch Darrin, and others.
I've concentrated most of my focus on designs that I manufacture in house, but I've chosen to offer the many small parts and odd little bits, both practical and frivolous, here on Shapeways a sort of clearing house for my skills.

As such, you might notice some common themes.  I love twisting and tweaking designs from the original to carry out their function while reflecting the changes to their reference.  The easiest way to see this is my conversion badges.  I take a lot of time replicating the original style but with new displacements and messaging.

I also greatly love purely mechanical items, like engines, and their intricacy.  I hate placing plastic shields over things and pretending as if that's somehow a styling or design feat (I'm looking at you, modern automotive designers).