
Now your choice of bodies is unlimited for magnetically guided model car racing.
Nearly any 1/32 slot car body can be fitted to one of my 7 magracing chassis, all with adjustable wheelbases. The latest uses readily available and inexpensive 2.4ghz RC gear.

Into serious modeling as well as racing? Check out our 1/32 scale accessories for race tracks and road guardrails, traffic cones, posts, trash cans, gas pumps, phone booths, even windows and doors.
Dissatisfied with the one stock magracing chassis with a fixed wheel base, I decided to design my own. I wanted to use some great looking slot car bodies that wouldn’t fit the standard chassis. Also wanted better handling. Now with my chassis kits, you can easily convert your favorite 1/32 slot car into a much more realistic performing race car, on a slotless track running magnetically guide cars. Multiple cars run up to 200 mph at scale, can pass, and take the racing line. Nearly unlimited bodies, wheels, and tires available for use with chassis kits, which have 1 deg of positive toe and 2-3 deg of negative camber.