#EveryDayIsRangeDay Gun Nut. Uber Nerd. Veteran. Idiot. I build stuff to shoot and shoot stuff i build and stuff...
See more projects and general madness @ctrlpew on instagram.
Im on a quest to learn how to do all the things. I spend my youth and my adult life until now running computer systems and developing software. At 30 I realised i didnt know how to make anything real in the world, and so I began.

For me guns are about as far from computers as you can get, and once i learned it was legal for me to build them at home for personal use it became a portal through which i am learning how to create more tangible things.

TL:DR Find the things you dont know how to do. Learn to do those things. Learn all the skills. You dont have to be a master, but be competent. Never stop. Ever.