Third Cup Ideas

The best ideas happen after the 3rd cup of coffee...I'm an engineer/backpacker/musician, not necessarily in that order. I'm also an avid and frequent coffee drinker.

  • The 1st cup - It's a greeting - Welcome to the day. How have you been?
  • The 2nd cup - That one let's you know it's time to get to work.
  • The 3rd cup - If you've got time for a 3rd cup, that's when the best ideas happen!

Every now and then, when that 3rd cup of coffee kicks-in, I come-up with an idea that just might amount to something. When I do, they end-up here. I'll be adding items little-by-little, as I have time to bring them to life. I hope you like what I have to offer!

-  Jim