Franklin Strausser Jr


Doctor Strange Sling Ring (Insanely Accurate!)
PropLord @Tom_Neverwinter Ohhh, I see. The section right in between the lower and upper. That's part of the detail on the screen used rings. I never thought about leaving that out so it can be adjusted for larger hands. I'll take that under advisement! I apologize you have to go through extra work.
PropLord @Tom_Neverwinter Wow! That's annoying. I have no control over their printing procedure. Just the models I make. I'm curious, what do you mean by "supports?"
Eye of Agamotto V3, Doctor Strange (2016)
PropLord @dianet19 Hi! It takes a couple days, and you can order them from my Etsy shop, 100% ready to go.
V3 unit! -You can just get the "back plate" instead of a whole new unit. It's basically the same, but with areas that you can glue magnets to. Eye of Agamotto V3, Doctor Strange (2016)
PropLord commented on Eye of Agamotto "Eye Bars" -V2- by PropLord
August 17, 2016
Eye of Agamotto "Eye Bars" -V2-
PropLord @rkilarski Do you just want the Vishanti symbol turned into earrings, or the entire Eye of Agamotto? -Either way, I'll work on figuring out how to make one, or both, earrings. :)