James Inziello


3D modeler, Animator, Designer, Product designer, Artist, Maker, Artisan
Indy Game Creator, 3dPrint Designer, VR Ergonomics Specialist, Consultant, and Futurist With18yrs in 3d modeling, animation, and VFX...

My new Ginzuishou Silver Millennium (Sailor Moon's Millennium Crystal) http://shpws.me/QyLh Ginzuishou SilverMillenium (Chiisai)
Sharing a design with you all, on the eve of my show at WPRK.org 7am memorial day.
I made a new Blade Runner Inspired piece. The logo to a Spinner Vehicle 3dprinted $50- http://shpws.me/OHyi Blade Runner:  Spinner Emblem
Just finished designing a Sailor Moon Silver Millennium Crystal Scent Locket! Order one now in time for Sailor V-Day- http://shpws.me/NNgf #SailorMoon #SilverMillennium #3dprinting #3dprinted jewelry #ValentinesDay Also in Raw Silver Sailor Moon's Ginzuishou Silver Millennium Crystal
This little garden nymph is based on a doll system that I'm currently working on. - http://shpws.me/MSjW Doll faced Scent Locket
The game is closer to being done! These are the first "trophies" http://shpws.me/MxFb TeaPot 09 00 2016
NEW! Customizable Teapot Pendant- http://shpws.me/MxxD Heart_O_Teapot Pendant
For our Sailor Pluto Fans out there! #Pluto #SailorPluto #Hulu #SailorMoon http://shpws.me/MnnR Pluto Pendant
Get this pendant for that gothic love in you life. http://shpws.me/MmXX Iron Heart Gothic Lolita Perfume Diffuser
JimInziello commented on Dread Gazebo by mz4250
May 16, 2016
Dread Gazebo
JimInziello I think this also qualifies as a meme too?


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