Juliana Leake


jeweledsnail favorited Cat Ring by COVO
December 20, 2021
jeweledsnail favorited Future-Proof Hollow D20 by neotoy
November 9, 2020
jeweledsnail favorited Cthulhu D20 by eondesigner
February 27, 2020
jeweledsnail added a product to a list
December 6, 2018
jeweledsnail commented on Bullseye D6 by fpa76
October 5, 2018
Bullseye D6
jeweledsnail My new dice just arrived. I ordered them in natural bronze and plan to polish them myself. Here they are as they arrived. They are beautiful. The natural bronze has an eggshell-like finish.
jeweledsnail added products to a list
September 22, 2018
Tritium Lantern 2A Paracord (Silver/Brass/Plastic)
jeweledsnail Finally got this glued. I love it! It almost seems too nice for a keychain.
jeweledsnail commented on Gothic Egg Shell 2 by Smyle
September 15, 2018
Gothic Egg Shell 2
jeweledsnail @Smyle it does look a lot like eggshell, yeah. Regardless, I love it!
jeweledsnail Very pretty! I ordered it in polished bronze-silver steel. I'm not sure it was actually polished since it's much rougher than the other polished item I ordered, but I like the texture anyway.
jeweledsnail commented on D20 Balanced - Art Deco by majestictrinkets
September 11, 2018
D20 Balanced - Art Deco
jeweledsnail It's beautiful!!! I'm in love with the design and the bronze-silver color (very hard to capture on camera but gorgeous). It's pretty lightweight but feels very solid in the hand. It seems lighter than my solid pewter d10 but quite a bit heavier than plastic. Rolling it in a nice suede-lined dice tray would probably make for an amazing experience.
jeweledsnail added products to a list
August 29, 2018
jeweledsnail added a product to a list
August 27, 2018
jeweledsnail added products to a list
August 27, 2018
jeweledsnail favorited Gothic Rosette d20 by ceramicwombat
August 21, 2018
jeweledsnail favorited Deco Scarab by MelaniePalishen
August 20, 2018