Gabriele Levy


Animator, Designer, Product designer, Artist, Artisan
I am a sculptor, my creations are hebrew letters made in a mix of materials.
My workshop and showroom are in Rome: Via Reginella 25

GabrieleLEVY favorited 01 Alef Ring by GabrieleLEVY
August 9, 2018
GabrieleLEVY commented on 04 Dalet Ring by GabrieleLEVY
December 7, 2016
04 Dalet Ring
GabrieleLEVY Dalet is the fourth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: D Example: delet, door. In gematria, dalet is four. The letter dalet represents dimensions and relations. The letter dalet is based on a glyph of the bronze age alphabets called dalt "door" (door in hebrew is delet), ultimately based on a hieroglyph depicting a door. The dalet hints to dal, poor, who knocks at the door and begs for alms. In the exposition of the Talmud, the letters gimel and dalet stand for gmol daleem, be good with he who is in need. (source: Shabat 104a). But the dalet turns its back to the gimel. This is because the needy must not face their benefactors. In the highest form of charity neither the benefactor nor the beneficiary must know each other's identity. (source: Shabat 104a). In the Temple there was a special room called lishkat hassaym, the chamber of silence, which anyone, rich and poor, could enter, but only one at at time. Those who could, would make an anonymous contribution. Those who were in need would discreetly take from it. The giver would not know whom he was giving to, and the receiver would not know whom he was receiving.(source: Shkalim 5:6) I judaism the letter dalet, along with the he (and very rarely gimel) is used to represent the Name of God. A good example is the keter (crown) of a tallit, which has the blessing for donning the tallit, and has the name of God usually represented by a dalet. A reason for this is that the he is used as an abbreviation for HaShem, "The Name" and the dalet is used as a non-sacred way of referring to God. The movie upper shows how I make a clay prototype of a hebrew letter, which will be used to make the jewel. ==========
GabrieleLEVY added products to a list
December 6, 2016
GabrieleLEVY added products to a list
November 29, 2016
GabrieleLEVY favorited 01 Alef Pendant by GabrieleLEVY
November 29, 2016
GabrieleLEVY commented on 01 Alef Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
01 Alef Earring
GabrieleLEVY Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet. The gematria of aleph is one. This letter represents God: One and Eternal. ================ Aleph in jewish mysticism represents the oneness of God. Aleph begins the three words that make up God's mystical name in Exodus, "I Am Who I Am" (in hebrew, ehyeh asher ehyeh), and aleph is an important part of mystical amulets and formulas. The letter can be seen as being composed of an upper yod, a lower yod, and a vav leaning on a diagonal. The upper yod represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of God while the lower yod represents God's revelation and presence in the world. The vav ("hook") connects the two realms. Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew word emet, which means truth. Aleph is the subject of a midrash that praises its humility in not demanding to start the Torah. (The Torah begins with the second letter of the alphabet, bet). In this folktale, aleph is rewarded by being allowed to start the Ten Commandments. In jewish mythology, it was the letter aleph that was carved into the head of the golem that ultimately gave it life. Jewish mysticism relates aleph to the element of air, the fool (key 0, value 1) of the major arcana of the tarot deck, and the scintillating intelligence of the path between Kether and Chokmah in the Tree of the Sephiroth. In the hebrew alphabet, the letters aleph and lamed can form a ligature. The ligature appears in some pre-modern texts (mainly religious), or in judeo-arabic texts, where that combination is very frequent, since the written aleph plus lamed, in the hebrew script, is the definite article in arabic: al. All the great things you do with a first small step. Brick by brick you build a house, money for money you put on a fortune. The aleph,one, grows up and becomes eleph,thousand, simply changing a vowel. But how can a human being average reach the wisdom of the Torah, which is as deep as the sea? How does a beginner starting to recognize a aleph to become an aluph,master by Torah? The answer is given in the Torah itself: "why these precepts that I command you today is not an extraordinary thing over your forces nor are things away from you; It is not in the sky ... and even beyond the sea ... This thing is very close to you: it is in your mouth, in your heart because you can do it. " (Deuteronomy 30: 11) To explain this a Midrash describes an ignoramus who enters the synagogue. Seeing people who studied the Torah, he asked: "How can I investigate all this?" Those who listened to him: "Starts with the alphabet, continues with the scriptures, and then go ahead with the Mishnà and the Ghemarà". After hearing this, he thought, and concluded: "How am I going to study so much?". And went. Upper you can see how I make the big clay prototype of the hebrew letter for this jewel.
GabrieleLEVY commented on 01 Alef Pendant by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
01 Alef Pendant
GabrieleLEVY Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet. The gematria of aleph is one. This letter represents God: One and Eternal. ================ Aleph in jewish mysticism represents the oneness of God. Aleph begins the three words that make up God's mystical name in Exodus, "I Am Who I Am" (in hebrew, ehyeh asher ehyeh), and aleph is an important part of mystical amulets and formulas. The letter can be seen as being composed of an upper yod, a lower yod, and a vav leaning on a diagonal. The upper yod represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of God while the lower yod represents God's revelation and presence in the world. The vav ("hook") connects the two realms. Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew word emet, which means truth. Aleph is the subject of a midrash that praises its humility in not demanding to start the Torah. (The Torah begins with the second letter of the alphabet, bet). In this folktale, aleph is rewarded by being allowed to start the Ten Commandments. In jewish mythology, it was the letter aleph that was carved into the head of the golem that ultimately gave it life. Jewish mysticism relates aleph to the element of air, the fool (key 0, value 1) of the major arcana of the tarot deck, and the scintillating intelligence of the path between Kether and Chokmah in the Tree of the Sephiroth. In the hebrew alphabet, the letters aleph and lamed can form a ligature. The ligature appears in some pre-modern texts (mainly religious), or in judeo-arabic texts, where that combination is very frequent, since the written aleph plus lamed, in the hebrew script, is the definite article in arabic: al. All the great things you do with a first small step. Brick by brick you build a house, money for money you put on a fortune. The aleph,one, grows up and becomes eleph,thousand, simply changing a vowel. But how can a human being average reach the wisdom of the Torah, which is as deep as the sea? How does a beginner starting to recognize a aleph to become an aluph,master by Torah? The answer is given in the Torah itself: "why these precepts that I command you today is not an extraordinary thing over your forces nor are things away from you; It is not in the sky ... and even beyond the sea ... This thing is very close to you: it is in your mouth, in your heart because you can do it. " (Deuteronomy 30: 11) To explain this a Midrash describes an ignoramus who enters the synagogue. Seeing people who studied the Torah, he asked: "How can I investigate all this?" Those who listened to him: "Starts with the alphabet, continues with the scriptures, and then go ahead with the Mishnà and the Ghemarà". After hearing this, he thought, and concluded: "How am I going to study so much?". And went. Upper you can see how I make the big clay prototype of the hebrew letter for this jewel.
GabrieleLEVY commented on 01 Alef Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
01 Alef Ring
GabrieleLEVY Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet. The gematria of aleph is one. This letter represents God: One and Eternal. ================ Aleph in jewish mysticism represents the oneness of God. Aleph begins the three words that make up God's mystical name in Exodus, "I Am Who I Am" (in hebrew, ehyeh asher ehyeh), and aleph is an important part of mystical amulets and formulas. The letter can be seen as being composed of an upper yod, a lower yod, and a vav leaning on a diagonal. The upper yod represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of God while the lower yod represents God's revelation and presence in the world. The vav ("hook") connects the two realms. Aleph is the first letter of the hebrew word emet, which means truth. Aleph is the subject of a midrash that praises its humility in not demanding to start the Torah. (The Torah begins with the second letter of the alphabet, bet). In this folktale, aleph is rewarded by being allowed to start the Ten Commandments. In jewish mythology, it was the letter aleph that was carved into the head of the golem that ultimately gave it life. Jewish mysticism relates aleph to the element of air, the fool (key 0, value 1) of the major arcana of the tarot deck, and the scintillating intelligence of the path between Kether and Chokmah in the Tree of the Sephiroth. In the hebrew alphabet, the letters aleph and lamed can form a ligature. The ligature appears in some pre-modern texts (mainly religious), or in judeo-arabic texts, where that combination is very frequent, since the written aleph plus lamed, in the hebrew script, is the definite article in arabic: al. All the great things you do with a first small step. Brick by brick you build a house, money for money you put on a fortune. The aleph,one, grows up and becomes eleph,thousand, simply changing a vowel. But how can a human being average reach the wisdom of the Torah, which is as deep as the sea? How does a beginner starting to recognize a aleph to become an aluph,master by Torah? The answer is given in the Torah itself: "why these precepts that I command you today is not an extraordinary thing over your forces nor are things away from you; It is not in the sky ... and even beyond the sea ... This thing is very close to you: it is in your mouth, in your heart because you can do it. " (Deuteronomy 30: 11) To explain this a Midrash describes an ignoramus who enters the synagogue. Seeing people who studied the Torah, he asked: "How can I investigate all this?" Those who listened to him: "Starts with the alphabet, continues with the scriptures, and then go ahead with the Mishnà and the Ghemarà". After hearing this, he thought, and concluded: "How am I going to study so much?". And went. Upper you can see how I make the big clay prototype of the hebrew letter for this jewel.
GabrieleLEVY commented on 17 Pe Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
17 Pe Ring
GabrieleLEVY Pe is the seventeenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: P or F Example: purim, Purim; shafan, rabbit. In gematria, pe represents the number 80. Le letter pe represents sound and silence Pe is usually assumed to come from a pictogram of a mouth (in hebrew pe; in arabic,fah). Rashi comments that what differentiates man from animals is the ability to articulate intelligent speech. The ability to speak brings man to the top of the classification of the four categories of existence: domem, silent tzomeach, springing hai, living medaber, speaking. (source: Maharal) The pe stands for pe, mouth, the organ of the word. God created man and "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being". (Genesis 2:7) The shape of pe is a kaf with a yod inside of it. This represents the spiritual spark of the neshama, soul, contained inside the physical body. With words and silence we can communicate the essence of our soul and existence. This requires that the inner and outer life match - that the physical existence is fully aligned manifesting the spiritual intentions of the soul within it. As it says in the Talmud: "Don't say one thing with the mouth and another with the hearth". (source: Baba Metziah) Upper you can see the movie of me producing the big clay prototype of a hebrew letter. The prototype will be used to design a jewel =============================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 22 Tav Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
22 Tav Earring
GabrieleLEVY Tav is the last letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: T or TH Example: torah, Torah. In gematria, tav represents the number 400. The letter tav represents truth and perfection. Tav is believed to be derived from the egyptian hieroglyph meaning "mark". Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew word emet, which means 'truth'. The midrash explains that emet is made up of the first, middle, and last letters of the hebrew alphabet (alef, mem, and tav). Sheqer (falsehood), on the other hand, is made up of the 19th, 20th, and 21st (and penultimate) letters. Thus, truth is all-encompassing, while falsehood is narrow and deceiving. In gematria, tav represents the number 400, the largest single number that can be represented without using the sophit (final) forms (see kaf, mem, nun, pe and tzadi). The letters shin and tav are next to each other in the alphabet, regardless of fact that they express opposite concepts: shin stands for sheqer, false and tav stands for emet, truth (source: Shabbat 105) Contrary to most cases where the first letter of the word is used to give meaning, in the case of emet, truth the last letter tav is used to give meaning. This suggests at the nature of truth: even if in the beginning truth seems less attractive than falsehood, in the end it (truth) prevails. Truth is eternal, but when the alef which is the smallest value of emet, truth is removed from it, then met, death remains. (source: Maharal) In jewish mithology it was the word emet that was carved into the head of the golem which ultimately gave it life. But when the letter aleph was erased from the golem's forehead, what was left was met,dead. And so the golem died. The tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as tav is the final letter of beresheet, “In the beginning”, the first word of the Torah. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. "From aleph to tav" describes something from beginning to end, the hebrew equivalent of the english "From A to Z." The tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as tav is the final letter of beresheet, in the beginning, the first word of the Torah. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. Upper you can see a movie showing the production of a big clay prototype of the hebrew letter aleph. The prototype later on will be used to design a jewel. ==========================================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 22 Tav Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
22 Tav Ring
GabrieleLEVY Tav is the last letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: T or TH Example: torah, Torah. In gematria, tav represents the number 400. The letter tav represents truth and perfection. Tav is believed to be derived from the egyptian hieroglyph meaning "mark". Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew word emet, which means 'truth'. The midrash explains that emet is made up of the first, middle, and last letters of the hebrew alphabet (alef, mem, and tav). Sheqer (falsehood), on the other hand, is made up of the 19th, 20th, and 21st (and penultimate) letters. Thus, truth is all-encompassing, while falsehood is narrow and deceiving. In gematria, tav represents the number 400, the largest single number that can be represented without using the sophit (final) forms (see kaf, mem, nun, pe and tzadi). The letters shin and tav are next to each other in the alphabet, regardless of fact that they express opposite concepts: shin stands for sheqer, false and tav stands for emet, truth (source: Shabbat 105) Contrary to most cases where the first letter of the word is used to give meaning, in the case of emet, truth the last letter tav is used to give meaning. This suggests at the nature of truth: even if in the beginning truth seems less attractive than falsehood, in the end it (truth) prevails. Truth is eternal, but when the alef which is the smallest value of emet, truth is removed from it, then met, death remains. (source: Maharal) In jewish mithology it was the word emet that was carved into the head of the golem which ultimately gave it life. But when the letter aleph was erased from the golem's forehead, what was left was met,dead. And so the golem died. The tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as tav is the final letter of beresheet, “In the beginning”, the first word of the Torah. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. "From aleph to tav" describes something from beginning to end, the hebrew equivalent of the english "From A to Z." The tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as tav is the final letter of beresheet, in the beginning, the first word of the Torah. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. Below you can see a movie showing the production of a big clay prototype of the hebrew letter aleph. The prototype later on will be used to design a jewel. ==========================================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 21 Shin Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
21 Shin Ring
GabrieleLEVY Shin is the twenty-first letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: SH or S Example: shalom, peace or sarah, Sarah. In gematria shin represents the number 300. The letter shin represents divine power but also corruption. Shin is related to shen, tooth. (source: Otiot Rabbi Akiva) The shape of shin resembles a molar that grinds food with its sharp edges. The word shen, tooth, is in turn linked to shanan, sharp. Therefore "vesheenantam lebanecha", "you shall recite these things to your children" (Deuteronomy 6:7) means "teach your children intensely so that they understand the Torah clearly and its words will be sharp and precise, beyond doubt". (source: Kiddushin 30a) Shin, as a prefix, bears the same meaning as the relative pronouns "that", "which" and "who" in English. According to Judges 12:6, the tribe of Ephraim could not differentiate between shin and samekh; when the gileadites were at war with the ephraimites, they would ask suspected ephraimites to say the word shibbolet; an ephraimite would say sibbolet and thus be exposed. From this episode we get the english word shibboleth. Shin also stands for the word shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen, priest, forms the letter shin with his hands as he recites the Beerkat Hakohaneem, Priestly Blessing. In the mid 1960s, actor Leonard Nimoy used a single-handed version of this gesture to create the Vulcan hand salute for his character, Mr. Spock on Star Trek. In the Sefer Yetzirah the letter shin is king over fire, formed heaven in the universe, hot in the year, and the head in the soul. The 13th-century kabbalistic text Sefer HaTemunah, holds that a single letter of unknown pronunciation, held by some to be the four-pronged shin on one side of the tefillin box, is missing from the current alphabet. The world's flaws, the book teaches, are related to the absence of this letter, the eventual revelation of which will repair the universe. The letter shin is often inscribed on the case containing a mezuzah, a scroll of parchment with biblical text written on it. The text contained in the mezuzah is the Shema Israel prayer, which calls the jews to love God with all their heart, soul and strength. The mezuzah is situated upon all the doorframes in a home or establishment. Sometimes the whole word shaddai will be written on the mezuzah. The Shema Yisrael prayer also commands the jews to write God's commandments on their hearts (Deuteronomy 6:6); the shape of the letter shin mimics the structure of the human hearth: the lower, larger left ventricle (which supplies the full body) and the smaller right ventricle (which supplies the lungs) are positioned like the lines of the letter shin. The shin teaches us balance. It is composed of 3 vavs, the 3 pillars of the tree of life. The right pillar is of kindness and mercy, the left of strict justice and truth. The world cannot continue without both, so we must balance between the two. In all aspects of life, we must find the middle way between the opposites and extremes. Upper you can see a movie of the production of the clay prototype of a hebrew letter. The prototype is then used to design a jewel. ======================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 21 Shin Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
21 Shin Earring
GabrieleLEVY Shin is the twenty-first letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: SH or S Example: shalom, peace or sarah, Sarah. In gematria shin represents the number 300. The letter shin represents divine power but also corruption. Shin is related to shen, tooth. (source: Otiot Rabbi Akiva) The shape of shin resembles a molar that grinds food with its sharp edges. The word shen, tooth, is in turn linked to shanan, sharp. Therefore "vesheenantam lebanecha", "you shall recite these things to your children" (Deuteronomy 6:7) means "teach your children intensely so that they understand the Torah clearly and its words will be sharp and precise, beyond doubt". (source: Kiddushin 30a) Shin, as a prefix, bears the same meaning as the relative pronouns "that", "which" and "who" in English. According to Judges 12:6, the tribe of Ephraim could not differentiate between shin and samekh; when the gileadites were at war with the ephraimites, they would ask suspected ephraimites to say the word shibbolet; an ephraimite would say sibbolet and thus be exposed. From this episode we get the english word shibboleth. Shin also stands for the word shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen, priest, forms the letter shin with his hands as he recites the Beerkat Hakohaneem, Priestly Blessing. In the mid 1960s, actor Leonard Nimoy used a single-handed version of this gesture to create the Vulcan hand salute for his character, Mr. Spock on Star Trek. In the Sefer Yetzirah the letter shin is king over fire, formed heaven in the universe, hot in the year, and the head in the soul. The 13th-century kabbalistic text Sefer HaTemunah, holds that a single letter of unknown pronunciation, held by some to be the four-pronged shin on one side of the tefillin box, is missing from the current alphabet. The world's flaws, the book teaches, are related to the absence of this letter, the eventual revelation of which will repair the universe. The letter shin is often inscribed on the case containing a mezuzah, a scroll of parchment with biblical text written on it. The text contained in the mezuzah is the Shema Israel prayer, which calls the jews to love God with all their heart, soul and strength. The mezuzah is situated upon all the doorframes in a home or establishment. Sometimes the whole word shaddai will be written on the mezuzah. The Shema Yisrael prayer also commands the jews to write God's commandments on their hearts (Deuteronomy 6:6); the shape of the letter shin mimics the structure of the human hearth: the lower, larger left ventricle (which supplies the full body) and the smaller right ventricle (which supplies the lungs) are positioned like the lines of the letter shin. The shin teaches us balance. It is composed of 3 vavs, the 3 pillars of the tree of life. The right pillar is of kindness and mercy, the left of strict justice and truth. The world cannot continue without both, so we must balance between the two. In all aspects of life, we must find the middle way between the opposites and extremes. Upper you can see a movie of the production of the clay prototype of a hebrew letter. The prototype is then used to design a jewel. ==========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 20 Resh Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
20 Resh Ring
GabrieleLEVY Resh is the twentieth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: R Example: rosh, head Resh in gematria represents the number 200. The letter resh represents choice between greatness and degradation. The letter resh is quite similar to the letter dalet. Resh is usually assumed to have come from a pictogram of a head, ultimately reflecting the protosemitic word rais, head. Resh as an abbreviation can stand for rabbi. Resh may be found after a person's name on a gravestone to indicate that they were a rabbi or to indicate the other use of rav, as a generic term for a teacher or a personal spiritual guide. The Talmud maintains that resh stands for rasha', evil. In the Passover hagada' one of the four sons is evil. The other three ask their parents for an explanation "ki ishalcha bincha", "when your children ask you" (Deuteronomy 6:20), while the evil one tells his parents "ki yomeroo aleychem beenchem", "and when your children tell you" (Exodus 12:26), in such a way as to disregards the Passover commandaments. When there is faith, there are no more questions, when there is no faith there are no more answers. (source: Choifetz Haym") Resh is a container, just as bet (2) and kaf (20) are containers. But while bet and kaf represents forms such as a house or a spoon, resh (200) represents containing the infinite, exponential growth. It also represents the constant transition, flow and change of life. It is like a constant flow of energy, breaking through, breaking down into pieces, and building anew. Below you can see a movie showing how I make the big clay prototype of a hebrew letter, prototype which will be used to design a jewel. ===========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 20 Resh Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
20 Resh Earring
GabrieleLEVY Resh is the twentieth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: R Example: rosh, head Resh in gematria represents the number 200. The letter resh represents choice between greatness and degradation. The letter resh is quite similar to the letter dalet. Resh is usually assumed to have come from a pictogram of a head, ultimately reflecting the protosemitic word rais, head. Resh as an abbreviation can stand for rabbi. Resh may be found after a person's name on a gravestone to indicate that they were a rabbi or to indicate the other use of rav, as a generic term for a teacher or a personal spiritual guide. The Talmud maintains that resh stands for rasha', evil. In the Passover hagada' one of the four sons is evil. The other three ask their parents for an explanation "ki ishalcha bincha", "when your children ask you" (Deuteronomy 6:20), while the evil one tells his parents "ki yomeroo aleychem beenchem", "and when your children tell you" (Exodus 12:26), in such a way as to disregards the Passover commandaments. When there is faith, there are no more questions, when there is no faith there are no more answers. (source: Choifetz Haym") Resh is a container, just as bet (2) and kaf (20) are containers. But while bet and kaf represents forms such as a house or a spoon, resh (200) represents containing the infinite, exponential growth. It also represents the constant transition, flow and change of life. It is like a constant flow of energy, breaking through, breaking down into pieces, and building anew. Below you can see a movie showing how I make the big clay prototype of a hebrew letter, prototype which will be used to design a jewel. ===========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 20 Resh Pendant by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
20 Resh Pendant
GabrieleLEVY Resh is the twentieth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: R Example: rosh, head Resh in gematria represents the number 200. The letter resh represents choice between greatness and degradation. The letter resh is quite similar to the letter dalet. Resh is usually assumed to have come from a pictogram of a head, ultimately reflecting the protosemitic word rais, head. Resh as an abbreviation can stand for rabbi. Resh may be found after a person's name on a gravestone to indicate that they were a rabbi or to indicate the other use of rav, as a generic term for a teacher or a personal spiritual guide. The Talmud maintains that resh stands for rasha', evil. In the Passover hagada' one of the four sons is evil. The other three ask their parents for an explanation "ki ishalcha bincha", "when your children ask you" (Deuteronomy 6:20), while the evil one tells his parents "ki yomeroo aleychem beenchem", "and when your children tell you" (Exodus 12:26), in such a way as to disregards the Passover commandaments. When there is faith, there are no more questions, when there is no faith there are no more answers. (source: Choifetz Haym") Resh is a container, just as bet (2) and kaf (20) are containers. But while bet and kaf represents forms such as a house or a spoon, resh (200) represents containing the infinite, exponential growth. It also represents the constant transition, flow and change of life. It is like a constant flow of energy, breaking through, breaking down into pieces, and building anew. Below you can see a movie showing how I make the big clay prototype of a hebrew letter, prototype which will be used to design a jewel. ===========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 19 Qof Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
19 Qof Ring
GabrieleLEVY Qof is the nineteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: K, Q or CK Example: qof, monkey. In gematria, qof has the numerical value of 100. The letter qof represents sanctity and the cycle of growth. The origin of the glyph shape of qop is uncertain. It is usually suggested to have originally depicted either a sewing needle, specifically the eye of a needle (the hebrew qof means also "needle's eye"), or the back of a head and neck (qaf in arabic meant "nape"). According to an older suggestion, it may also have been a picture of a monkey and its tail. The Oxford Hebrew-English Dictionary transliterates the letter qof a transliteration as q or k; and, when word-final, it may be transliterated as ck. Sarah is described in Genesis Rabba as, literally "At qof years of age, she was like kaf years of age in sin", meaning that when she was 100 years old, she was as sinless as when she was 20. Tha value of qof is 100, the same value of maqom, place - presence, one of the Divine Names. The revealed letter, qof, consists of a bet and a vav, two letters having a gematria of 26, the same of the Tetragrammaton. The value of the hidden part, vav and pe, is 86, the value of the Holy Name Elohim, God. (source: Magen David) Qof in hebrew means monkey, a creature which resembles a human but is purely animalistic, with none of the higher capacities of a human. This indicates the requirement for a human to overcome his purely animalistic nature and to emulate the image of the Creator he is made in, to realize his true spiritual nature beyond just the physical. The qof is the only letter which extends below the line of the other letters, indicating descent into the lower world, but also the ability to ascend from there Upper you can see a movie where I produce a big clay prototype of an hebrew letter. The prototype later on will be used to design the jewel ===================================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 19 Qof Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
19 Qof Earring
GabrieleLEVY Qof is the nineteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: K, Q or CK Example: qof, monkey. In gematria, qof has the numerical value of 100. The letter qof represents sanctity and the cycle of growth. The origin of the glyph shape of qop is uncertain. It is usually suggested to have originally depicted either a sewing needle, specifically the eye of a needle (the hebrew qof means also "needle's eye"), or the back of a head and neck (qaf in arabic meant "nape"). According to an older suggestion, it may also have been a picture of a monkey and its tail. The Oxford Hebrew-English Dictionary transliterates the letter qof a transliteration as q or k; and, when word-final, it may be transliterated as ck. Sarah is described in Genesis Rabba as, literally "At qof years of age, she was like kaf years of age in sin", meaning that when she was 100 years old, she was as sinless as when she was 20. Tha value of qof is 100, the same value of maqom, place - presence, one of the Divine Names. The revealed letter, qof, consists of a bet and a vav, two letters having a gematria of 26, the same of the Tetragrammaton. The value of the hidden part, vav and pe, is 86, the value of the Holy Name Elohim, God. (source: Magen David) Qof in hebrew means monkey, a creature which resembles a human but is purely animalistic, with none of the higher capacities of a human. This indicates the requirement for a human to overcome his purely animalistic nature and to emulate the image of the Creator he is made in, to realize his true spiritual nature beyond just the physical. The qof is the only letter which extends below the line of the other letters, indicating descent into the lower world, but also the ability to ascend from there Below you can see a movie where I produce a big clay prototype of an hebrew letter. The prototype later on will be used to design the jewel =======================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 18 Tzadi Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
18 Tzadi Ring
GabrieleLEVY Tzadi is the eightennth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: TZ Example: tzava', army. In gematria, tzadi represents the number 90. The letter tzadi represents justice and humility. The letter is known as "tzadik" in yiddish, and hebrew speakers often give it that name as well. This name for the letter probably originated from a fast recitation of the alphabet (i.e., "tzadi, qof" -> "tzadik, qof"), influenced by the hebrew word tzadik, meaning "righteous person". The origin of tzadi is unclear. It may have come from a middle bronze age gliph based on a pictogram of a plant, perhaps a papyrus plant, or a fish hook (in hebrew, tzad means "[he] hunt[ed]", and in arabic sad "[he] hunted". As an abbreviation, it stands for tzafon, north. Each jew is obliged to donate mahatzit hasheqel, half sheqel, to the tabernacle, in order to espiate. The tzadi in the middle of the word mahatzit, half, means tzedaka, beneficence. Next to it the are two letters, the het and the yod. Together they form the word hay, life. On the other hand, the letters in the beginning and in the end of the word are mem and tav. Together they form the word met, death. This indicates that by giving beneficence one keeps the life close and death faraway. (source: Gaon from Vilna) Upper you can see a movie of me doing in clay the first prototype of a hebrew letter, that willl later be 3D reduced to the size of a jewel. ==========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 18 Tzadi Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
18 Tzadi Earring
GabrieleLEVY Tzadi is the eightennth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: TZ Example: tzava', army. In gematria, tzadi represents the number 90. The letter tzadi represents justice and humility. The letter is known as "tzadik" in yiddish, and hebrew speakers often give it that name as well. This name for the letter probably originated from a fast recitation of the alphabet (i.e., "tzadi, qof" -> "tzadik, qof"), influenced by the hebrew word tzadik, meaning "righteous person". The origin of tzadi is unclear. It may have come from a middle bronze age gliph based on a pictogram of a plant, perhaps a papyrus plant, or a fish hook (in hebrew, tzad means "[he] hunt[ed]", and in arabic sad "[he] hunted". As an abbreviation, it stands for tzafon, north. Each jew is obliged to donate mahatzit hasheqel, half sheqel, to the tabernacle, in order to espiate. The tzadi in the middle of the word mahatzit, half, means tzedaka, beneficence. Next to it the are two letters, the het and the yod. Together they form the word hay, life. On the other hand, the letters in the beginning and in the end of the word are mem and tav. Together they form the word met, death. This indicates that by giving beneficence one keeps the life close and death faraway. (source: Gaon from Vilna) Upper you can see a movie of me doing in clay the first prototype of a hebrew letter, that willl later be 3D reduced to the size of a jewel. ==========================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 17 Pe Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
17 Pe Earring
GabrieleLEVY Pe is the seventeenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: P or F Example: purim, Purim; shafan, rabbit. In gematria, pe represents the number 80. Le letter pe represents sound and silence Pe is usually assumed to come from a pictogram of a mouth (in hebrew pe; in arabic,fah). Rashi comments that what differentiates man from animals is the ability to articulate intelligent speech. The ability to speak brings man to the top of the classification of the four categories of existence: domem, silent tzomeach, springing hai, living medaber, speaking. (source: Maharal) The pe stands for pe, mouth, the organ of the word. God created man and "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being". (Genesis 2:7) The shape of pe is a kaf with a yod inside of it. This represents the spiritual spark of the neshama, soul, contained inside the physical body. With words and silence we can communicate the essence of our soul and existence. This requires that the inner and outer life match - that the physical existence is fully aligned manifesting the spiritual intentions of the soul within it. As it says in the Talmud: "Don't say one thing with the mouth and another with the hearth". (source: Baba Metziah) Upper you can see the movie of me producing the big clay prototype of a hebrew letter. The prototype will later on be used to design a jewel =============================
GabrieleLEVY commented on 16 Ayn Ring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
16 Ayn Ring
GabrieleLEVY Ayn is the sixteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronunciation: GR, guttural Example: etz, tree In gematria, ayn represents the number 70 The letter ayn represents vision and perception The letter name is derived from proto-semitic ayn, "eye", and the phoenician letter had an eye-shape, ultimately derived from the IR hyerogliph. To this day, ayn in hebrew, arabic, and amharic means "eye" and "spring" (ayno in neo-aramaic) but in maltese it additionally also means "aid". Because the sound is difficult for most non-arabs to pronounce, it is often used as a shibboleth by arabic speakers; The word ayn, eye, ensures that this letter means perception and vision. Among all the organs, it is the eye that reveals most to men. And the wise say: "eino dome shmiya lereiya, the sense of hearing is not comparable to the sense of seeing. (source: Mechilta, Exodus 19:9) The word ayn related to maayan, fountain, means also spring of water. (Genesis 16:7). Like a spring brings water from the depth of the earth to sunlight, so the eye brings perception of the world to the mind of men. (source: rav Hirsh, Genesis 3:5) Upper you can see the movie of the production process of a clay prototype of a hebrew letter. Later on the prototype is used to design a jewel.
GabrieleLEVY commented on 16 Ayn Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
16 Ayn Earring
GabrieleLEVY Ayn is the sixteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronunciation: GR, guttural Example: etz, tree In gematria, ayn represents the number 70 The letter ayn represents vision and perception The letter name is derived from proto-semitic ayn, "eye", and the phoenician letter had an eye-shape, ultimately derived from the IR hyerogliph. To this day, ayn in hebrew, arabic, and amharic means "eye" and "spring" (ayno in neo-aramaic) but in maltese it additionally also means "aid". Because the sound is difficult for most non-arabs to pronounce, it is often used as a shibboleth by arabic speakers; The word ayn, eye, ensures that this letter means perception and vision. Among all the organs, it is the eye that reveals most to men. And the wise say: "eino dome shmiya lereiya, the sense of hearing is not comparable to the sense of seeing. (source: Mechilta, Exodus 19:9) The word ayn related to maayan, fountain, means also spring of water. (Genesis 16:7). Like a spring brings water from the depth of the earth to sunlight, so the eye brings perception of the world to the mind of men. (source: rav Hirsh, Genesis 3:5) Upper you can see the movie of the production process of a clay prototype of a hebrew letter. Later on the prototype is used to design a jewel.
GabrieleLEVY commented on 15 Samekh Earring by GabrieleLEVY
November 28, 2016
15 Samekh Earring
GabrieleLEVY Samekh is the fifteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet. Pronounciation: S Example: sefarad, Spain. Samekh in gematria has the value 60. The letter samekh represents support, protection and memory. When pronouncing the letters, its first letter is called nigle, revealed, whereas the others are nistar, hidden. There are four letters whose gematria of the revealed letter equals the gematria of the hidden ones: Samekh (samekh=60; mem+kaf=40+20) Yod (yod=10; vav+dalet=6+4) Vav (vav=6; vav=6) Mem (mem=40; mem=40) These four letters form the word sium, conclusion. A similar phenomenon takes place in the Tetragrammaton. (source: Gaon from Vilna). In some legends, samekh is said to have been a miracle of the Ten Commandments. Exodus 32:15 records that the tablets "were written on both their sides." The Jerusalem Talmud interprets this as meaning that the inscription went through the full thickness of the tablets. The stone in the center parts of the letter samekh should have fallen out, as it was not connected to the rest of the tablet, but it miraculously remained in place. The Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat 104a), on the other hand, attributes this instead to samekh, but samekh did not have such a hollow form in the sacred paleo-hebrew alphabet that would presumably have been used for the tablets. (source: Sanhedrin 21b-22a) Samekh teach us circular thinking, so to be inclusive of everything and everyone. It is the principle that the wisdom is not contained in just one vessel, in just one person, but it is distributed in all beings. The combination of nun and samekh forms the word nes, miracle. Once we have learned the lessons of these two letters, we can discover what the miracle really is. Upper you can see the movie of the production process of a clay prototype of a hebrew letter. Later on, the prototype is used to design a jewel. ================================================


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