Ben Salthouse


3D modeler, Designer, Product designer, Maker
Hello! I'm an industrial designer from San Francisco.

Converter for Garmin GPS eTrex to Edge Mount
fb52c2f @nickbroon thanks for the kind words and feedback. I've personally tested this mount during many ultra races including the notoriously bumpy Colorado Trail Race as well as the Silk Road Mountain Race and found the mount to be extremely tight and secure. I tried my best to design a part that has a tight fit to the GPS and at the same time is also easy to remove so changing batteries isn't a pain in the ass. With the 3D printing process used to make these parts there is a +/- .15mm tolerance variation depending on ambient temperature, humidity and other factors. and I suspect that this variation is enough to make some of the mounts fit differently than others. Because you are the third customer to mention that the mount has been loose I am going to modify the design and tighten up the tolerances to make sure that there is absolutely no play in future prints. Thanks again for taking the time to write feedback. This is how products are improved and perfected. See you out on the trail. -Ben
Check out this cool product! - Garmin Etrex Top Cap Mount