Do you want your products to be in the hands of the technology evangelists at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival this year? Then get on the train, literally! I (Savannah) am traveling via rail from Los Angeles to Austin this year on a train full of technology influencers, sponsored by Amtrak, and would love to show off your work. 

Amtrak Horizon Cafe by Boxcar Models

Sounds good? Here’s how you make it happen…

I need your help. I’ll be leaving NYC on March 3rd, and that lead time is prohibitive to printing your fabulous models in some of our materials.

Your mission, should you chose to accept it:  

1) Round up your favorite models
2) Pack them nicely in a box and include your designer bio/business cards etc, so people interested in your product lines can follow your work and become new customers. Include any personal websites or social media handles you have so I can keep you posted & give you shout outs along the journey. 
3) Ship models to: Savannah Peterson c/o Shapeways 419 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 USA
4) Stay tuned for fun photos & stories about your products’ journey across the American Southwest and the techies they meet along the way. 
Let me know if you want your model shipped back to you after the event, or if you’re comfortable with the Shapeways staff and I showing it off forever.
Shoot me an email (, or reach on twitter @SavIsSavvy to let me know if you want to participate and what you’re sending. 
Remember, the more influencers that interact with your products, the larger and more valuable your audience becomes. Here’s to blowing minds and generating new business at SXSW! 
Cheers & Happy Friday!