TYE - The Young Engineer

Recent SAIT graduate, looking forward to working as a Technologist in Training after completing the Mechanical Engineering Technology Course. Constantly in search of new problems to solve and purposes to fill.



I have always had a passion for making things move with a function, whether with lego or random scrap I found in the recycling bin. Early on, I just made simple cars and weapons, as most young boys do with lego, but that quickly progressed through playing with the advanced mechanics of steering systems and into higher speed motors with machined parts.

Now I have a dream to make a fully functional and registered two person vehicle with my own hands and resources. This will likely just be planning out and gaining skills until I am able to build up a home shop, but I will need a lot of time and funds for this feat. As such, I've started this shop and begun to expand my view to consumer products in categories like accessories, jewellry, mechanical parts, and Every Day Carry. I've found the resources here invaluable, and am astounded at the strength of Shapeways' Nylon parts in comparison to my own printed ABS. Let alone the fact that these products can be produced and sent to anyone in need. I can't wait to become a bigger part of the community here, and build up my shop categories.

I highly suggest you check out my Jewellry and Custom Lego sections, as these are the two I spend most of my time on, the two I have the most passion for. (Plus my wonderful fiancee who couldn't believe that I made her promise ring myself, when I presented it to her at our final picnic of the summer of 2016. ^_^)