Stranger than Fiction

All figures currently marked as 'Not for Sale' will be coming back as I update them to the latest body version that has some improved articulation and cosmetic improvements.
You can follow me now on Facebook too. There, you will find painted samples and the latest updates.
Any questions, fell free to contact me.

More information about assembly, painting, articulation etc for any of the pieces can be found in the description of the base action figure.

PLEASE read through the assembly instructions to know what to expect.
There's now also some cleaning instructions should your figure have some printing powder left when it arrives.
Also, this image shows a good assembly order and the different pieces of a complete figure.

If you order several items and one gets cancelled because of printing issues, please contact shapeways support if you want to reorder it again. Support will ensure that you don't need to pay additional shipping.
I try to fix any issues found within 24 hours.