Steamhouse Miniatures

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Relationships inspire productivity, and commonalities create great teams. My first, last, and probably most obvious love is drawing. Images speak volumes to me and truly define the way I understand the world. What began with a childish awe of my mothers college portfolio has blossomed into a sustainable career. So beyond the obvious desire to design, I can always find contentment playing guitar. Music was another obsession of mine from a very early age. Learning to play piano at the age of nine I continued to play through the first couple years after high school, ranging from piano, saxophone, and voice. But I have settled down as a guitarist who primarily plays for my children's audience. Cross-country hiking and landscape photography are also passions of mine. Further endeavors include a love of discussion about ancient history, theology, philosophy, physics, and politics, observed through the lens of christian values. While all these things and more are very enjoyable to me, nothing is more so than my loving wife and my children. I suppose if anything was to define me now, it would be that of a loving father and happy husband.



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