Salem Studio

Arts, crafts and home goods inspired by the Catholic faith and family.
Hi! I'm Liz.  I'm a wife, mother of a toddler with one on the way, daughter, friend, runner and teacher whose formal education is in biology and education. I've been spending the past couple of years learning how to fill all of those roles to the best of my ability and in doing so learned something interesting about me along the way -- I love to create things. It started with creating baked goods for friends and family for all of our holidays and special occasions. Then I began to create a home in the lovely house I moved into when I was married, picking paint colors and tile and wallpaper. After deciding to create my own art for our walls, I realized that I truly loved creating things that were reflections of me and the things that I love -- family, faith and home. Not only do I enjoy creating them, I love sharing them. Thus Salem Studio was born.

I've tried to blend the beauty and inspiration that I find in family, faith, the lives of the saints and nature into practical items that can be used in the home every day. Some items reflect my growing love for the traditional Mass and others reflect my devotion to a particular intercessor that I've come to rely on in prayer. Other things reflect my Polish Catholic heritage and our celebrations of holidays. Some items are inspired by my appreciation of creation and are very heavily colored by my education in biology.

I hope that I've created things that other people relate to as well. Small reflections of who they are and the things that they love to help them appreciate the beauty in every day.

Thanks for stopping by Salem Studio!