Small loco works

By Pugsy
A shop selling mostly 4mm (00 or similar) scale Victorian locomotives, carriages wagons and other sundry railway paraphernalia
My name is Killian Keane, I am based in South West Ireland and I design model railway parts for elderley, obscure and unusual locomotives, carriages and wagonry, I take comissions though I dont tend to do post grouping designs. If however, you have a pre grouping prorotype you are particularly fond of and have drawings of send me a DM on Facebook, Twitter or on here and we can look into designing something or rescaling existing items to your scale of choice. Most (but not all) items here are not designed to fit a particular RTR chassis as they are accurate dead scale models unless stated otherwise. If you have any questions or want to comission DMs are open and I am always free to chat, I love seeing peoples models built up from my designs so feel free to send on pics. thanks for having a look at my shop and I hope you find something you like, have fun, stay well :)