Mad Pagan Industries

We proudly offer unique hand-crafted oddities. Goblins, demons, undead, mechanical steampunkish animals, dragons, gargoyles, mythological and literary creatures all personally sculpted and scanned by The Mad Pagan himself.
Original sculptures are obsessively created from polymer clay, copper wire, aluminum foil, and additional metal scrap bits from various industrial mechanisms. The completed sculptures are then scanned using a Nextengine 3D scanner and ceremoniously uploaded to Shapeways. No CAD is used in their creation. I would like to say that fact is due to some misguided notion of artistic integrity, but really it's because I don't know or want to know how to use CAD programs.  In as such, they are all stunningly accurate reflections of the imperfections and personal demons of a self-taught sculptor from the middle-of-nowhere. Thank you and keep your hands dirty!