Gorg's Great Magic Emporium

Welcome to my humble magic items shop! Watch your head, you never know what ancient arcane secrets will go whizzing through the air! 

I specialize in obtaining rare jewelry with mystical powers and curious stories. And I would be willing to part with them...for a price....

You work so hard for your character to get sweet sweet loot, it's time you enjoy some loot for yourself! Each of my  magic rings has their powers inscribed on the inside so you can spend less time looking up items, and more time immersed in the game. 

I started Gorg's Great Magic Emporium after spending hours creating and playing my Dungeons and Dragons character. I always loved getting new loot and then it hit me - why should my character get to wear cool magical rings and not me?! So I took my training as an Engineer and my passion as a Game Enthusiast and started hand crafting these signature pieces. Most are homebrew, some are out of the Dungeon Master's Guide. But all will look great on your fingers - whether you are slaying dragons with your character, or out on the town. 

Please let me know if you have any ideas or custom requests. I love challenges and would love to make your fantasy, a reality!