Geometric Precision

I like using my own dice when I game, so I figured that others might appreciate them as well.  Enjoy!
All of my dice are based on isohedra (face-transitive solids), and are carefully designed to respect all needed symmetry, thus ensuring that the dice are perfectly fair.  The only asymmetry is the unavoidable need to place different numbers on the faces, and even this I mitigate by scaling all of my numbers so that they have the same volume, and by carefully positioning them symmetrically.  I further arrange my numbers optimally on the faces, so that there are no clumps of low or high numbers, so as to mitigate any bias which might come from imperfections in the manufacturing process, wear, or skillfull throwing.  I've also ensured that in any orientation in which a die will rest upon a table, it's resting entirely on flat surfaces, never on a point or an edge, to minimize wear (on both the die and the table).