Porcelain Price Change

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by bgeorgakas, Mar 9, 2017.

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  1. crashtestdummy
    crashtestdummy Well-Known Member
    The word I got was they were having on going production problems with several parts of the process and they were stopping production until they could reliably work out the process or come up with a better option. I'd rather wait until they get the process worked out and roll it back out than to try and limp along with unpredictable results.
  2. MrNibbles
    MrNibbles Well-Known Member
    But clearing the databases of the material on product pages so suddenly was terrible. Temporarily stopping production and sales shouldn't screw up product pages and make it so difficult to re-introduce the material into shops when and if it becomes available again.
  3. Itu_jewelry
    Itu_jewelry Member
    Is Shapeways going to go on bankrupt? Why there are less and less materials available? Why did they discontinue ceramics production?
  4. crashtestdummy
    crashtestdummy Well-Known Member
    You do realize this was about a year ago? They dropped a bunch of stuff as they had ether too little sales or the product was not able to be made reliably. Shapeways was the LAST company to call it quits on porcelain after the rest of the industry gave up on it. New products are coming out see the home page for information and to sign up for the first prints in the new materials.
    lefteri and 398057_deleted like this.
  5. catslady123
    catslady123 Well-Known Member
    Crashtestdummy is right - though we were sad to say goodbye to porcelain, the reality is that it was not a sustainable material for us to continue offering without a monumental price increase. But the good news is that since then, we have launched access to the Stratasys J750 for full color plastics, and three additional plastics via our Carbon offering too. You can check out more on these materials and how to access them here:

    J750: https://business.shapeways.com/stratasys
    Carbon: https://business.shapeways.com/carbon

    Stay tuned for more to come :)
    398057_deleted likes this.
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