News over the wire is that Autodesk has now acquired Instructables, adding this to 123D Autodesk is becoming a significant part of the Maker movement.  We are excited to see Autodesk add to the momentum that Shapeways, Makerbot, Maker Faire are already pushing ahead at full steam

“Passionate, creative people want communities to support and encourage
their endeavors,” said Samir Hanna, vice president of Consumer Products
at Autodesk. “As a result of this acquisition, Autodesk will host a
unique ecosystem that combines inspiration, accessible 3D software tools
and fabrication services so anyone can be empowered to express
themselves creatively.”

“Joining Autodesk will help us reach even more smart, engaged
individuals and make Instructables an even better place to share
projects and ideas,” said Eric Wilhelm, founder and CEO of
Instructables. “Autodesk is a great cultural fit for Instructables, and
I can’t wait to start changing the world together.”

An investment by a major corporation such as Autodesk adds legitimacy to the Maker movement, that there is great cultural value in enabling people to make exactly what they want and to share their creativity online. This is of course something the Shapeways community is a perfect example of already in the galleries of 3D printed products, forums of community interaction and when we meetup in person at events around the globe.